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That's What's Up! August 2021 

Well It's been a minute since I last posted something. I guess that's cause with so much has been going on I've been a little busy. Let me explain.

As You Know with Covid-19 and all of it's craziness in 2020. Entertainment was shutdown. When we were able to start performing a little in 2021 Nashville remained closed. So I went back to basics and booked a few things back home in Wisconsin. That lead to a bunch of different bookings, so most of the year we have been and will continue to finish the year in Wisconsin. Now I have always performed each year in Wisconsin, Nashville as well as other locations. However with the pandemic shutting so much down. I focused on locations in Wisconsin that I knew would not close.      I also had a little more to think about with the announcement of my girlfriend Lindsay Bennett being pregnant. WOW!!! Yep! It Happened!!!!! and May 20th My son Grayson Michael was born.








Told Ya! I was busy!  So after a short time off. We got back to work. The boys and I are still out finishing up this years schedule and already working on next years. Lindsay and the baby even join us from time to time out on the road.       We have an album to drop, a video to get down, and a bunch of new merchandise coming out. We also plan to return to Lower Broadway for some more shows. So Stay Tuned!!! That's What's Going On!!



That's What's Up! 

So 2020 has just been crazy! Aside from the Corona Virus and the seemingly great divide that's taking place here in the good ol' USA. Music has almost come to a halt. Concerts and music projects frozen in time. So sad.. how did we get here. I remember it was 2019 and we were finishing up my new album Brevity. I had been working on and writing it for the last couple of years. I guess I had a lot to think about back then. Lost relationships, the ending of certain business endeavors, and the worst. Facing the cold hard fact that time takes it's toll on all of us. As my family and I dealt with the passing of my MOM. It was a lot of stuff all at once. It also had lots of unexpected twist and turns but I made it out alive! So ..then BANG 2020 WTF!!!??? Well we did what we had to do! Livestream Shows, playing to empty bars just to keep hope alive. It has been nuts! Oh and it's Election year which makes it even crazier as if it could get any crazier. That all being said I'm hopeful that we find some peace and get back to a some what normal yet better way of living soon. I have decided to not play downtown Nashville until after the New Year. I guess all the frustrations of 2020 and the different ever changing dynamics and frustrations of the lower broadway life here in Nashville finally made me slam on the brakes and regroup. I will still finish out the year with several shows in my home state of Wisconsin. Despite the powers that be. I guess thats just the outlaw in me. I have also decided to give all of you a taste of the new stuff that technically should have been out at the beginning of the year. However due to this pandemic was delayed. Next year full album Release! along with a US honky tonk tour (not just Wisconsin. Sorry Wisconsin I do Love you) some fairs and festivals. I will return to Lower Broadway but not as much as I have in the past. I want to focus more on my music and it's continuing growth. I guess in a sense thanks to 2020 we are all starting over, rebuilding, restructuring, or at least adapting to the changes of the world. As for me, I'm excited about it and more than ready to get started... That's what's up!

Michael Scott

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